Who Are We?


When COVID-19 pandemic hit the world in early 2020, travel had come to a standstill. Borders were sealed, businesses were shut, organizations went bankrupt, people lost their jobs and each one of us were locked down in our homes.

There was (still is) a lot of uncertainty about the future of travel and tourism in the world – will it ever gain back the same momentum even after the dread of the virus is gone, will businesses will find more comfort in their zoom calls, will certain age groups (kids and elderly) adopt a lifestyle change where they no longer seek travel ?

While this huge shadow of uncertainty was lurking over our heads, the world was undergoing something more grave. There was an unprecedented increase in mental health issues around the world. The inevitably of loneliness as people were physically and socially distanced and the weariness of monotony of a life locked down in the four walls of our homes had started taking toll on a majority in the form of increased anxiety, depression and substance abuse.

It was in that period that we realized how each one of us had started craving travel, a change of scenery and a break from the monotony. Travelling, which was always thought of as a luxury, had suddenly turned into a necessity and recognized widely for its healing effect.

Solo Travel


While the travel and tourism industry will continue to evolve and adjust to the new normal, the realization that this phase dawned upon us is here to stay – that travel is not only an integral part of our lives, allowing us to take a break from the struggles of daily routine but also an absolutely essential form of therapy to help us strengthen and stretch our mental horizons.

And this is the belief we seek to carry forward and advocate as the heart and soul of this company.

Mission statement

Championing good mental health and wellbeing via the world of travel.

Our guiding principles